About me

👀 I am currently a Master student from School of Intelligence Science and Technology, Peking University, majoring in Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition. I received my bachelor’s degree in Electronic Information Engineering from Beihang University in 2022.

🔎 My research concerntrates on Computer Vision, Semi-supervised Learning and Weakly-supervised Learning as well as their applications on downstream tasks, and Medical Artificial Intelligence. I have pubilshed several papers on international academic coferences including CVPR, AAAI and IJCAI, which can be accessed in my publication list.

🙌 I am now looking forward to an oversea Ph.D opportunity, and is expected to be enrolled in the fall of 2025.
📝 What’s New:
I will serve as a reviewer in ACM MM24.
Our paper ‘VCC-INFUSE’ is accepted by IJCAI2024!

Educational Experience

⭐ Msc Student          Peking University, Beijing, China       2022.9-present
🎓 Bachelor                Beihang Univeristy, Beijing, China     2018.9-2022.7

Internship Experience

💻 Research Intern        Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei       2023.6-present
💻 Algorithm Intern                JD Group                    2022.4-2022.6

Contact 📬

Currently, you can contact me by sending an e-mail to my education mailbox: fengqianhan@stu.pku.edu.cn
I also have a gmail address for business and academic affairs, which is also recommended: fqhank@gmail.com